When theres less travellers and not much to see, travellers start to talk to each other. I cant explain in any other way, why I met today so different personas during few hours.
There's the guy who is bicycling around Aussieland, started from Darwin. He's guzzling water 1 l per 10km, about ten times as much as I.
Then I met Dan the Canadian who quit his software job, and started a new career as a touring entertainer. Juggling chainsaws and pitchforks is the current act. Hes actually driving all around the globe, but after riding through three blizzards in Canada, prefers now warmer climates ;)
A bit later on cliffs I swapped war-stories with a 90-year-old Italian, who had joined partisans at Italuan/Yugoslavian border. Actually I just listened while he recalled how he won his medals. Ciao! Forgot to rake a pic of this vigorous old man.