Monday, February 27, 2012


Yksi reissun tavoitteista on nyt täyttynyt: Kävin Pohjanmiehessä! Kullankaivajien mecca vielä nykyäänkin (1100 asukasta), mutta ei erityisen turistilähtöinen mesta. Perinnepolun maastossa näkyi siellä täällä mukavasti kellertävää santaa ja hippujakin ;) Täytyy edelleen mainostaa Fraser Rangea ja heidän keittiötäänkin: kuka sanoi ettei voi telttailla mukavasti!


Here's nothing! And lot's of it!!
This really is the place where I got an idea of the size of Australia. Most of the day went on riding through plains with just bushes and sometimes trees livening up the scene. It's as well the place where the Skylab crashed down in the eighties. And the 90 miles straight is here too, as an attraction. I do must admit that the warning sign for the first curve after 140km of straight road was a jolly good idea. My brain just couldn't believe that there's a bend coming up...

Fraser Range caravan and camping is without a doubt the best overnight stay so far, I even could see the Milky Way clearly from here, first time in my life. Fraser is a sheep farm that also provides travellers a place to rest, in the middle of nothing. Good service and they offer cold beer too at an affordable price.

During the day I was pondering about many UDOs that are squished onto the road (unidentified dead objects). So far I've identified foxes, rabbits, snakes, wombats, kenguroos, camels, magpies and dogs. But still there's a lot of things that I've have no idea what they have been. Nighttime driving isn't recommendable for motorcyclists as most of the animals start moving about after dark, but stay still during the day. Only the roadkills stay after dawn at sight.

Another pretty impressive sight are the roadtrains, they can be 34m long and they drive a bit over hundred. And do overtake anything that moves slower than them.

Creepycrawlies have been finally spotted too, but i have had common sense of not going closer or stopping for photos. This includes some over the road slithering snakes, snakes coiled over a bush, spider coming out of a water tap and a 10cm long locust/cricket. Locust was a very impressive imitation of a crumbled leaf, nice light brown color and unless it hadmoved, I would have taken it as an old leaf fallen out of tree.

But there was some Australian wildlife that I was brave enough to photograph!