I got excellent service once again for the DR, a time slot appeared very conviently and the price for 15000km (major) service was quite decent. Unfortunately for my touristic goals, I found the second part of 'Song of Fire and Ice', and I forgot about Darwin. Besides, the wet heat was just too much for me, reading a good book in an airconditioned room was my clear choise:-)
On the way down towards Uluru, I met Harold, an Austrian biker doing similar trip as I am, so few cold ones at local backwater pub were much in order.
Even today, there wasnt too much attractions along the way, so riding on was the only sensible thing to do. Tomorrow I should finally reach Urulu, just in the for Eastern... There will be lots of tourists, I fear.
Another thing I've come to appreciate is the weak aussie beer. Low alcohol content agrees very well with the dehydration, and it doesnt give you a headache in the next morning! Though these brews are great here, I wouldnt take them out of their intented environment;-)