Friday, May 18, 2012

Scenic Inland ride

Mt Cook and its' surroundings are just perfect, maybe even more so now in winter time!

On previous day while riding towards Mt Cook, I encountered the local four legged carnivorous beasts too.


Tomi said...

Awesome, awesome pictures. Good camera, splendid photographer and amazing scenery! This is the result. Beautiful.
Shots from A. were nice, but these are really stunning.

Nice seeing you to ride a BIKE after that Suzu... whatever. :)

Warning! Watch out the Nazguls. They are spotted flying around there somewhere.

Tsemppiä !

FinHawk said...

Really cool pictures indeed!!!

Question: how far is civilization fron where you ride? Looks so wild...

Juha said...


New Zealand is really like this along the highways - I'm not wandering far from the electricity... although getting a good internet connection is a bit of a hassle here.

Nazguls? Meh, they were a bunch of losers anyway. I'm more concerned with black ice on the roads than anything else, as It is sub-zero temperature during night.